Regain the direction of your life
Women have gained space, status and participation in visible leadership roles. This change has been accompanied by important compromises and complex contradictions in terms of roles, altering the balance of many lives and their inner wellbeing. That is why, nowadays it is more important than ever to rescue the sense of a woman’s value and enhance their current role within organisations.
Because when a woman recognises her value, she becomes aware of her power and impact on the world, she takes control of her talents, gifts and strengths, she looks after herself and is empowered to achieve balance in her life and lead with her presence.
Twinkling Female Leadership is a leadership and empowerment program where women learn to know themselves better through an appreciative look and to rediscover their talents and gifts, while at the same time strengthening their self-esteem to build a better version of themselves and develop their personal leadership style.